5 Types of Awards to Give at your Next Sales Kickoff

March 21, 2023
Lauren Marturano
5 Types of Awards to Give at your Next Sales Kickoff

A sales kickoff event is an important part of any company's sales strategy. It's a great way to motivate, inspire, and reward employees for their hard work. But what kind of awards should you give to employees at a sales kickoff? 

Here are five types of awards to consider: 

1. Employee of the Year Award: This award is given to the salesperson who achieved the most success during the year. This success does not reflect just their attainment, but also their commitment to helping others and giving back to the company. 

2. Most Improved Territory Award: This award is given to the salesperson who’s territory has shown the most improvement over the past year. It's an excellent way to encourage employees with harder territories to continue to strive for improvement. 

3. Outstanding Performance Award: This award is given to the salesperson who has closed the largest number of deals. It's a great way to recognize employees that may have smaller accounts, but push for volume.

4. Top Salesperson Award: This award is given to the salesperson who has achieved the highest sales figures. It's a great way to reward employees who have gone above and beyond in their sales efforts. 

5. Most Creative Sales Strategy Award: This award is given to the salesperson who has come up with the most creative sales strategy. This recognizes employees who have gone the extra mile to come up with unique sales approaches. 

These are just a few examples of awards that can be presented in front of the entire sales team to boost morale and provide motivation for the coming fiscal year.